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TRT impact on sex life

Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Your Sex Life

TRT can help Improve your Libido, Erectile Function, Physique, and Mood

There are plenty of reasons that a man’s sex live may lose steam. But with the availability of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Low-T doesn’t have to be one of them. As men reach their 30’s their body’s production of the primary male sex hormone, Testosterone, begins to slow down at a rate of 1-2% per year. That may not sound like much, but when you think about life in your mid 40’s with nearly 1/3 of the Testosterone you used to have, you can see how it can slow down your love life.

Participants in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that of the 475 men with Low-T who used a Testosterone Gel as part of their TRT regimen, “…significantly improved 10 of 12 measures of sexual activity. Incremental increases in total and free T and estradiol levels were associated with improvements in sexual activity and desire.”

Men who were on TRT reported improvements in several areas of both sexual activity and sexual desire over those who were on placebo.

TRT improved Sexual Activity in men with Low-T, including:

  • Orgasm
  • Intercourse
  • Spontaneous Night-time Erections
  • Spontaneous Day-time Erections
  • Sexual Arouse Erections

TRT improved Sexual Desire in men with Low-T Including:

  • Sexual Daydreams
  • Anticipation of Sex
  • Flirting by Others
  • Flirting with Others
  • Sexual Interaction with Partner

Boost Your Sex Drive with TRT

Whether you call it libido, sex drive, or just your overall desire and passion, Testosterone Replacement Therapy has been shown to help improve men’s interest in sex. For men with Low T (Low Testosterone is known as hypogonadism in medical terminology), Testosterone Replacement Therapy has demonstrated improved libido in several studies (Here and here, for example.) 

In another study,  9-Month Efficacy and Safety Study of Testosterone Solution 2% for Sex Drive and Energy in Hypogonadal Men published in The Journal of Urology, a placebo-controlled trial of 470 men aged 65 years or older with Low-T (Testosterone levels less than <275 ng/dL). The results found that “libido improved proportionately with the increase in testosterone levels.”

If you have lost interest in sex because of Low-T, Testosterone Replacement Therapy may be able to help you get back in the game and Boston Vitality is your safe and professional TRT provider in Massachusetts.

Improve your Erectile Function/Treat ED with TRT

Another area where TRT has proven to have a direct impact when it comes to improving men’s sex life is by helping to improve Erectile Function. “Nearly three in every five men questioned in the US (59%) have suffered from impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction or “E.D” according to a study released in Feb 2020.

Numerous other studies have been conducted on the relationship between testosterone levels and erectile function. 

  • One 2017 Study in the Journal of Men’s Health studies indicates that men with Low-T (defined as levels less than 300 ng/dL) “have a greater prevalence of ED when compared to men with normal testosterone levels.” 
  • 2012 Study in the Journal of Urology observed that men with low T-Levels from androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) being used to treat prostate cancer “have a dramatic reduction in erectile function with a decrease in testosterone levels.” 
  • Numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have demonstrated that erectile function improves when Testosterone is given to men with low testosterone levels [Here and Here, for example].

One of the more surprising pieces of data to come out of this research is that age isn’t always significant factor in E.D. While 63% of men over 55 reported having issues with ED, 55% of men aged 18-34 had also experienced some ED issues.

Regardless of your age, Boston Vitality can be your choice for TRT and HGH Peptide treatments in Massachusetts to see if we can help improve erectile function and bring your sex life back to where it should be.

TRT can Help Improve your Mood

Testosterone plays a significant part in helping to regulate your mood. The reality is that science hasn’t exactly figured out how, but it has determined a link between Low-T and depression. It has also established that Testosterone can increase the release of dopamine in the brain, (dopamine is a neurotransmitter in your brain responsible for your feelings of reward and pleasure.)

Some studies suggest that there may also be a connection between T-Levels and serotonin. Testosterone may play a role in serotonin reuptake in the brain, improving its activity and your overall mood. A decrease in serotonin activity in the brain has been linked to feelings of depression.

The researcher also indicates that Testosterone may help anti-anxiety activity. A 2018 study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association’s JAMA Psychiatry found a “significant improvement of depression scores in men receiving supplemental testosterone.” TRT was particularly effective in those who had recently started to experience a decrease in mood.

So how does this help your sex life? Well, a landmark study in 2002 sought to identify specific factors that made men and women attractive to the opposite. Their findings indicated that women preferred mates who were higher in self-confidence. A 2015 article published on the Society for Personality and Social Phycology website put that theory to the test and found that “participants who scored high on our tests of overconfidence were perceived as more confident in their dating profiles. Confidence, in turn, was a strong predictor of overall romantic attractiveness.”

In short, “confidence is sexy”. And TRT from Boston Vitality may be able to help you improve your mood, improve your outlook, improve your confidence – and ultimately – improve your opportunities.

Looking Better/Feeling Better with TRT

Its widely accepted that one of the primary benefits of Testosterone is that it can help men improve their muscle density and reduce their body fat. Testosterone Injections have been shown to produce an average increate of  5.7% in lean body mass and a 10-13% increase in total body strength, arm strength, and leg strength in men with Low-T.

Another treatment offered at Boston Vitality also offers cutting-edge Growth Hormone Peptide Treatments. One of these HGH Peptide treatments called Tesamorelin Peptide Therapy, has been shown to specifically reduce belly fat. Tesamorelin specifically helps to reduce the visceral fat found in the abdomen by stimulating the pituitary gland to increase the natural production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone.) In some studies, abdominal weight loss has been between 15 and 17%.

Boston Vitaly’s TRT and Growth Hormone Peptide Therapy may be able to help improve your sex life for men with Low-T by helping to improve your workouts, reduce your body fat, and get you looking and feeling stronger.  

Finding Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Massachusetts

Boston Vitality is a leader in TRT in Massachusetts. We are here to help you get the professional advice and medical treatment you may need to get your sex life back on track. Our mission is to see that men get the help they need for Low-T and other men’s health issues in a safe, discreet, and convenient way.

To learn more about how Testosterone Replacement Therapy or HGH Peptide Treatments may be able to help improve your physical, mental, and sexual health, call our office at 781-399-LowT (5698) today. Boston Vitality wants you looking and feeling like your old self and ready to take on spring and summer.

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There are many symptoms that will help determine if your testosterone levels are low. Take our short quiz to help identify if you may benefit from treatment. 

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