Testosterone Pellet Therapy

Do you feel the natural aging process has negatively impacted your overall health? Have you considered seeking treatment to balance your hormone levels, but you are concerned proper upkeep may be too much hassle? Testosterone pellet therapy is an option that is safe and effective for helping balance hormone levels and increases testosterone production. Unlike other choices, this method requires only one visit to our Boston area office every few weeks to help with your hormones. Learn more during a consultation with our team at Boston Vitality in Stoneham, MA!

What Is Testosterone Pellet Therapy?

Testosterone pellet therapy is a method of hormone replacement therapy or TRT that involves the insertion of a small pellet. Your body gradually absorbs and processes the hormones for regular, steady balancing of hormones. This method of hormone therapy can help reduce symptoms of Low T (low testosterone levels or production) or andropause, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Mood swings
  • Muscle mass loss
  • Sexual dysfunction

Restoring balance to your hormone levels may help to treat other concerns, such as energy loss or inexplicable weight gain. Learn more during a consultation with our team in the Boston area!

What Could I Expect from Treatment?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a relatively straightforward process! The pellets are small, comparable to the size of rice. Under the care of a medical professional, they are painlessly inserted into the body. The hip or buttock area typically serve as the injection site.

Because the pellet is directly inserted into the bloodstream, there is less maintenance required for hormone therapy. Instead of daily pills or gels, you just need to visit our Massachusetts office every few weeks to replenish the pellets. Our team can help develop a TRT treatment plan for you.

Results will vary for each person, but the results from testosterone pellet therapy are often gradual and improve over time. Results will also build on each other as you continue your hormone replacement treatment.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Most maturing men could benefit from a method of hormone therapy. However, testosterone pellet therapy is particularly ideal if you do not necessarily have the time to commit to other treatment methods as your only requirement is visiting our Stoneham office once every few weeks for a pellet insertion. A consultation with our team can help determine if this is the best method for your lifestyle and symptoms.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Ready to feel like the best version of yourself again? Boston Vitality offers testosterone pellets to help with your Low T symptoms. Contact us today and schedule your consultation with our team in Stoneham, Massachusetts. Our team proudly serves the Boston area and is committed to assisting you with restoring balance to your hormone levels.

think you may have low-t?

Take our short Hormone Questionnaire